You want sheep from Shooting Star Sheep.
How do you get sheep from us?
What do you need to know?
Firstly...Thank you for your interest in purchasing sheep from Shooting Star Sheep! Below is some general info that hopefully you will find helpful. Please feel free to reach out if you have further questions!
Why Shooting Star Sheep? Our sheep are given the best of care, affection and feed and are SUPER friendly to humans. They have daily contact with people and love to be pet and fed! All of our sheep are UTD on vaccinations and worming and are halter trained.They are great on a hobby farm as lawnmowers and pets, and are super great for education as well!
Cost: The price of each sheep depends on the market at the time and color, markings, gender and pedigree and can vary from $500 - $2500. We offer a discount if you purchase multiple lambs/sheep from us as like to see our sheep go to their new homes with sheep they already know, and in some cases we require lambs to go together. There will be an additional fee if you are transporting out of state for the veterinary inspection and certification.
Requirements: We do require our sheep to go in groups of at least 2 IF their new home does not already have sheep of a similar breed/size as they are flock animals. Additionally we may require some specific sheep to go with another from our farm or in a pair, but this is rare.
Transportation: We require that you provide safe transportation for our farm (in Napa County) to the sheep's new home, although in some cases we are willing to discuss delivery options and help arrange transportation.
Where can I see the sheep/lambs that are for sale? We'll be updating our sheep for sale page regularly. Be sure to check it out to see the sheep we currently have available! https://www.shootingstarsheep.com/team-1
Lamb info for 2025!
When? Lambs will be born mid-February through mid-March. They will be ready to leave the farm after they are weaned, 8-12 weeks. Reservations will slowly open up to people on the wait-list sometime after lambing.
What? We will have Harlequin, Finn and Babydoll crossed lambs this year. Visit our page about the breeds: https://www.shootingstarsheep.com/about-1
Reservation and Deposit for lambs: Once we have contacted you that reservations are open to you may choose your sheep to reserve. Then we require a $500 (or 50%) deposit and those sheep will only be held for 7 business days while we wait on the deposit which can be paid by cash or check.
I'm SOLD! I want to purchase sheep! If you are interested in purchasing sheep/lambs from us we have a wait-list and application form. It takes about 5 minutes, we want to make sure our sheep go to great homes.
Join the wait-list! Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-ARBRnbXw8FxVyTIIvSRK1LUXo1TGZLlApuDJOiEqRMSvHA/viewform
Form done! The wait for lambs... We'll be sending out an email to our newsletter subscribers and posting on Facebook when lambing starts, and then from there we'll start the reservation process, after all the lambs are born.
Connect with Us! Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates or follow us on Facebook! You can also check us out on Openherd! (links below)
Subscribe: https://www.shootingstarsheep.com/contact-us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Shooting-Star-Sheep/61561774120671/
Openherd: https://www.openherd.com/farm/11988/
AND, if your just starting out... If you just starting out with sheep like to recommend this book to everyone. https://www.amazon.com/Storeys-Guide-Raising-Sheep-5th/dp/1612129803
Hope all this info helps, and looking forward to hearing from your interest in purchasing sheep from us!